(David Furst/Pierre-Yves Halbig/Xavier Longuepee/David Toinet)
I feel the rhythm more and more, I’d like to jump right on the floor.
I feel the bass drum more and more, it’s time to dance, dance!
Dance, dance, dance, dance!
I feel the rhythm more and more, I’d like to jump right on the floor.
I feel the bass drum more and more, it’s time to dance!
I feel the rhythm more and more, I’d like to jump right on the floor.
I feel the bass drum more and more, it’s time to dance, dance!
Dance, dance, dance, dance!
I feel the rhythm more and more, I feel the rhythm more and more.
I’d like to jump right on the floor, I’d like to jump right on the floor.
I feel the bass drum more and more, I feel the bass drum more and more.
It’s time to dance, it’s time to dance, it’s time to dance!
I feel the rhythm more and more, I’d like to jump right on the floor.
I feel the bass drum more and more, it’s time to dance, dance!
Dance, dance, dance, dance!
More and more, more and more, more and more, more and more.
More and more.